jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

The Myth of the Amazons and the First Horseman of the Revelation. The origins of the male domination.

Once upon time, long ago, men loved women sincerely. And women do the same.
Men had to hunt to provide proteins to the group and that made women could suckle the progeny with rich milk.
But hunting was a dangerous activity and many of the men died in the forests.
Women knew that and were tender to the hunters. They gathered some fruits but these weren´t enough to feed the whole group.
The men only hunt when there was a real need.
Therefore someone invented the arch, and then began the men domination over other animals and over women too, sadly. Hunting became a safe activity, so they hunt more than they need.
Far from using the new gadget to increase the love between the group, the specialized hunters used it to empower themselves inside the group. New concepts as richness, status, hierarchy, leadership…, arose in the human culture.
The law type forms of knowledge born with the original sin had a great growth.
The amazons cut their breast to improve their arching abilities. The Myth told us about women that rebelled against the new status quo. The metaphore of the breast cutting is eloquent enough if you compare with the anthropological interpretation showed above.
The First Horseman of the Revelation is the archer.
The first enemy of creation is also the first threat for another types of knowledge founded in love.
Love & Peace.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

The Art of Jock Bartley.

Que Jock Bartley es un guitarrista fuera de serie lo sabemos todos. Que forma parte dela leyenda, de la mejor historia de la música (bueno, sólo hay que ojear la foto), PERO QUE ES UN PINTOR EXTRAORDINARIO SÍ QUE ES UNA CIERTA NOVEDAD. Just click in the tittle and you will see....


lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010


I know that most of you should have thought about the original sin. And many have done, sure.
One million years ago our ancestors changed the reproduction system usual in mammals for parental institutions (Robin Fox). Incest and adultery arose as restrictions ad intra and ad extra for copulation, so humans became differentiated from other animals.
Most of you believe that the difference must be seen on the rational core of the humans but maybe you didn´t notice that first to be rational you must be normative. Norms are essential and previous to reason. You must say this must be (or not) before you make a logic proposition.
First it was logos, say the Word.
The metaphore of original sin tell us about the irruption of this type of knowledge in the human cultural core. The knowledge founded in the LAW. We use this form in each and every part of the culture: mathematics, physics, music…not just only in the legal world (Michael Foucault).
With this instrument humans have conquered the Earth and are destroying the creation. Devil must be happy.
Yesterday, I was reading the debates that are partially shown in The Mission movie. And that´s right: Jesus message had no need to be told to Parana´s indigenous peoples because they were clean of the original sin. They didn´t use the law type knowledge forms so they live in harmony with God and creation.
The sharing of the Gospel was necessary when they took contact with what we call civilization.
LOVE IS THE HIGHER LAW (Saint Paul, Maura Alonso). This is the leit-motiv of the Gospels, but millions of people are not Christian and they have their right to do so.
That´s why I think Woodstock Nation burst in to history.
Love & Peace Friends.